Official: At last, NLC speaks on nationwide indefinite strike

The Nigeria Labour Congress has opened up on the declaration of indefinite strike for it’s members.

The labour Union said it has not declared an indefinite strike.

The spokesman for the union, Benjamin Upah, while speaking with TVC news on Friday night in an interview via telephone described the purported announcement as fake.

Recall that there has been news making rounds that the congress was to commence an indefinite industrial action.

With the expiration of its 21-working day timeline to the federal government, Nigerians await NLC’s next line of action.

According to him, the NLC had yet to release any statement after the expiration of its timeline to the authorities.

He expressed confidence that the congress will not disappoint the workers and indeed their families in negotiating for better conditions of living.

He assured Nigerians that an official statement on what to expect from the congress would be made available in the shortest possible time.