Odua Investment GMD to retire in May 2024, names successor – Official

The Odu’a Investment Company limited on Thursday hinted that the Group Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer of the company, Mr. Adewale Raji, is to go on retirement by May, 2024.

Odua Investment in a statement made available to Blueprint in Ibadan named Mr Abdulrahman as the new Group Managing Director/ Chief Executive Officer effective 1st of June, 2024.

In the statement by the Odua Investment Media Relations, Mr Victor Ayetoro, the conglomerate also announced the appointment of Mr. Yemi Ajao as Executive Director, and Group Chief Investment and Business Development Officer.

Speaking on the leadership changes, the Group Chairman of the Board, Odu’a Investment Company Limited, Otunba Bimbo Ashiru, said, “Today we announce the retirement of a Group Managing Director who superintended over a pivotal period in Odu’a Investment’s evolution into a world class conglomerate”

“On behalf of the Board, I will like to express our sincere gratitude to Mr. Adewale Raji for his exceptional leadership, and for steering the ship with such vision, courage and professionalism during his tenure.”

The Group Chairman added, “We are also delighted about the smooth leadership transition, and I will like to congratulate the Shareholders and the Board on Mr. Abdulrahman Yinusa’s appointment.

“I have no doubt in my mind that he will take Odu’a Investment to another level of growth, especially with the foundations laid over the past few years.”

The outgoing GMD, Mr. Raji, while speaking said it has been a great honour to have been entrusted by the Group’s Shareholders and the Board to superintend over the affairs of the business from June 2014, adding that the period “witnessed remarkable changes in the financial performance and corporate governance standing of the Group.”

“I am delighted that the modest successes recorded in portfolio rebalancing and asset optimization in our notable chosen sectors of Real Estate, Hospitality, Financial Services, Agriculture, Energy, etc are going to receive accelerated transformation under my worthy successor (Mr Yinusa) and the excellent crop of talent that the Group has attracted under the support of the Board in these past few years.’’