NYCN tasks delegates on new approaches

Factional President of the National Youth Council of Nigeria (NYCN) Comrade Yakubu Shendam has tasked members at the ongoing National Conference to heed to the advice President Goodluck Jonathan offered them while inaugurating the conference by exploring new ideas in handling modern challenges.
The President had urged the delegates not to depend on past solutions in seeking solution to contemporary issues.

Shendam said the youths were out for the unity of the country adding that the conference was a platform where policies to mainstream the youths will be made.
“Look at the pictures carried in some national dailies where some elders at the national conference are caught sleeping even when serious deliberations have not started. It is an indication that in art of governance the youth must be mainstreamed for national development.”
He said the problem of Nigeria was not “where one comes from but the will to engage the active Nigerian youth in positive venture so as to forestall their use as thugs and agents of mischief.”