NURTW returns over N380, 000, missing money to passengers in Nasarawa

The National Union of Road Transport Workers (NURTW), Nasarawa State chapter, has returned N389, 25 missing money to various passengers that patronised vehicles driven by its members.

Salihu Adamu, State Chairman of the union, disclosed this on Monday in Lafia at an occasion organised to handover the money to the owners.

According to Adamu, one of the passengers boarded a vehicle that was going to Lafia from Naasarawa-Eggon Local Government Area.

“When Zuberu Hussaini, the driver of the vehicle arrived in Lafia, he discovered that one of his passengers left his money in the car.

“The driver took the money back to the Chairman of the union in Nassarawa-Eggon who then reported the matter to us at the state headquarters. “We immediately send announcements to media organisations for the owners to come forward for proof of ownership,” he said.

He said that when the owners came forward, they were asked to prove ownership through stating the denominations and when and where they boarded the vehicles from.

“From our investigations, they proved beyond reasonable doubt that they were the owners and we have given them back their money,” the chairman said.

He, therefore, advised passengers to always enter vehicles from motor parks to enable them to enjoy such numerous benefits.

He said the driver had since been rewarded with an appointment in the union to encourage him and other drivers to do better.

Expressing his gratitude to the union, one of the owners, Eli Joseph, thanked the union for returning their missing money.

Joseph said that they were shocked when they heard the announcement on the radio about missing money, because they had already lost hope. He, therefore, prayed to God to continue to protect the members of the union,especially the drivers that returned the money.