NTI pensioners congratulate DG for improved welfare

Retired staff of National Teachers’ Institute, Kaduna, have commended Dr. Aminu Ladan Sharehu, the director-general and chief executive of the institute, for improving their welfare.
During a courtesy call at the DG’s office yesterday, the vice-chairman of the pensioners’ union, Malam Musa Umar, said the visit was to congratulate him for the National Productivity Merit Award that was conferred on him by President Goodluck Jonathan, last year, and also to present him with a plaque to appreciate him for what they described as “improved welfare for all retirees.”

Responding, the DG appreciated their gesture and promised that the management of the institute will do more.
He said: “Since we came on board, we tried to come up with a strategy on how to tackle one of the challenges, that is the issue of staff welfare. This was included in as a component in our Five-Point Target, which has been yielding results.”
However, during an interactive session with journalists, the DG said they had paid pensioners’ backlog from 2004 and now pay the pensioners every month on time.
He prayed that such practice would be sustained even after his administration.