NPSA to Nigerians: Despite challenges, shun anti-democratic elements

The Nigerian Political Science Association (NPSA), an umbrella body for all Political teachers in Nigeria, Monday, asked Nigerians to refrain from actions that could bolster anti-democratic elements seeking to erode the country’s democratic principles amidst challenges.

The body in a statement issued by its President, Professor Hassan Saliu, noted that despite the current economic challenges, democracy still offers a more hopeful prospect for comprehensive growth and development than any conceivable alternative. 

The political teachers, while expressing concern that the current administration is grappling with a legitimacy crisis due to the worsening social conditions, called for urgent action to tackle issues of insecurity, escalating food prices amid widespread poverty.

“The NPSA expresses its concern that the current administration is grappling with a legitimacy crisis due to the worsening social conditions experienced by both the middle class and the underprivileged segments of society.  Urgent action is imperative to tackle issues of insecurity, escalating food prices amid widespread poverty, and the collapse of public sector salaries.

“It is crucial to implement nationalistic policies promptly to prevent a potential descent into chaos that could jeopardize Nigeria’s democratic system. The nation’s future hinges on the ability of its leaders to formulate a “development bargain” that will stabilize the political landscape and foster inclusive economic advancement. 

“The NSPA urges the Nigerian populace, despite the challenging circumstances they are currently enduring, to refrain from actions that could bolster anti-democratic elements seeking to erode the country’s democratic principles.

“Despite its significant limitations in terms of overall performance, democracy in Nigeria still offers a more hopeful prospect for comprehensive growth and development than any conceivable alternative’’, the body said. 

Expressing concerns over the removal of fuel subsidies without addressing critical aspects such as domestic petroleum product refining, the NPSA called for a more deliberative and inclusive approach.

It emphasised the strategic importance of the oil sector for Nigeria’s survival and urged the government to explore opportunities for greater domestic participation in the industry, including the establishment of modular refineries.

The NPSA also addressed issues of corruption, urging the government to show political resolve in combating this systemic problem.