Northwest Govs’ Forum promotes agric, education to tackle insecurity

Governors of the seven Northwest states met at the weekend in Kaduna under the aegis of Northwest Governors Forum and resolved to boost agriculture, education and economic development to create job opportunities for its youth and address the insecurity affecting the region.
Northwest has been affected by killings, cattle rustling and armed banditry with hundreds killed in Zamfara state, as well as Birnin Gwari and Southern Kaduna in Kaduna state, but the governments of the seven states on Saturday in Kaduna deliberated on regional integration, economic cooperation and social problems militating against the development of the region.
Represented by the Governor of Katsina state, Deputy Governors of Kaduna, Sokoto and Jigawa states and Secretary to governments of Kebbi, Kano and Zamfara states, Chairman of the Forum, Governor Aminu Bello Masari of Katsina state told journalists after the meeting their resolution to boost key sectors of the region as measures to stop the wanton killings and destruction in the zone.
“We have resolved to look at three key areas, economic development, agriculture and education.
These three areas are very key to the integration of the zone and each of the Northwest governors is very passionate about it.
If you tackle education squarely, the spate of killings in the zone and other zones will end.” Masari expressed optimism that the governors have taken measures to end the incessant killings in the zone, saying, that part of the measures is to strengthen their borders to checkmate the influx of criminals.
He added that agriculture is another area that they felt will lead to economic growth, noting that the zone has vast land still largely untapped.
“We have deliberated extensively with our partners, the Arewa Research and Development Projects on the three key issues and we have come to conclusion on these issues regarding the progress of the region.
We are looking to see how we will engage thousands of our youths that are roaming the streets without job.
“Very soon some of these issues deliberated upon, we shall put timeline on them, some of them will kick-start in the next two or three weeks, and we believe that before the end of this year our secretariat will be fully operational,” he added.