Northern group recommends Betta Edu’s replacement 

A group under the aegis of Northern Progressive for Good Governance (NPGG) has called on President Bola Ahmed Tinubu to appoint President of ‘The When In Need Foundation, Dr. Chetachi Ecton, as suspended Minister of Humanitarian Affairs and Poverty Alleviation, Betta Edu’s replacement. 

In a statement jointly signed on Monday by Comrade Istifanus Jacob and Abubakar Isa, coordinator and secretary of the group, respectively, noted that the appointment of Dr. Chetachi as replacement for Edu who is currently under EFCC investigation following allegations of corrupt practices, would ensure a practical demonstration of transparent leadership in the country that will consolidate the Renewed Hope Agenda of President Bola Tinubu.

The group said Chetachi remains one of the greatest contributors to humanity not just to her people but northern region inclusive.

The group said fer service to humanity, using her resources, places her above many Nigerians, stressing such individuals deserved to be rewarded with a bigger responsibility. 

Dr. Chetachi has an engrained passion for developing mindset, orientation, and focus in improving the lives of vulnerable Nigerians. 

She has over the years taken a giant stride in empowering thousands of farmers, women, widows, and physically challenged as well as promoting children’s education in the North. 

“She has lined up numerous programs that help particularly in improving agriculture, where farmers were provided with modern seedlings, fertilizer, and cash. 

“Most of her beneficiaries were drawn across the country without regard to tribe, religion, or ethnicity. 

“She has traversed the length and breadth of many countries in her mission of uplifting the vulnerable elements of the society. 

According to them, their coming together was rooted in the realism that Dr. Chetachi Ecton as a Minister of the Federal Republic of Nigeria will enthrone an inclusive leadership that will secure and augment the plight of vulnerable Nigerians.

“Nigerians need someone with proven integrity, an independent mind, and a detribalised Nigerian who will protect the interest of the masses and deliver dividends of democracy to the downtrodden and not someone who will amass public wealth.