Northern forum, Arewa chiefs want Sarkin Hausawa released by DSS

The Concerned Northern Forum has called for the immediately release of Sarkin Hausawa of Lagos, Alhaji Aminu Yaro Dogara and his wife, who were both arrested by the Department of Security Service (SSS) three days ago.

This is just as the Arewa Council of Chiefs urged the DSS to release Alhaji Aminu Yaro Dogara, who is also the chairman, Council of Arewa Chiefs in Southern Nigeria, and his wife, or be charged to court of competent jurisdiction for trial.

Alhaji Aminu Dogara and his wife were arrested by the DSS in connection with the arrest and investigation of the suspended CBN governor, Mr Godwin Emefiele, but the forum wondered why the monarch and his wife should be arrested simply on the charge of being a friend to Emefiele.

“The attention of the Concerned Northern Forum (CNF) has been drawn to a report of the arrest of Alhaji Aminu Yaro Dogara, the Sarkin Hausawa of Lagos state and chairman of Council Arewa Chiefs in Southern Nigeria by the DSS in ‘connection to the ongoing investigation of the suspended CBN governor, Godwin Emefiele.

“Is Sarki Aminu a staff of the CBN or a director or even a junior staff? No,” the forum said in a statement signed by the chairman, Board of Trustees, Malam Mohammed Danlami.

“Sarki Aminu Yaro is a traditional ruler. The head of Hausa community in Lagos, a peaceful, harmless leader not capable of hurting a fly and a unifying factor who came in as a king and brought together the polarised Arewa community in Lagos and ended decades of rivalry, threats and destruction of lives and properties. President Bola Tinubu is well aware of these facts and will concur that Sarki Yaro has played a very crucial role in neutralising the tensed atmosphere of the Hausa community and even in relation to other ethnic groups in Lagos.”