NNPP stalwart tasks political leaders on principles of sacrifice

A chieftain of New Nigeria People’s Party (NNPP), Ambassador Olufemi Ajadi Oguntoyinbo, on Sunday tasked political leaders in Nigeria to embrace the principle of sacrifice in the handling affairs.

The NNPP in a statement to felicitate with Muslim faithful on this year’s Eid-el Kabir said there was the need for our political leaders to always remember and fulfill whatever promises they made to the electorate during the electioneering campaigns.

Ajadi maintained that it was now time for the political leaders to emulate Ibrahim’s obedience to Allah’s command and fulfilment of promise made to Allah by making necessary sacrifices to grow the nation and bring prosperity to the people of Nigeria

“Political leaders must remember the promises made during the electioneering campaigns and fulfill the promises to the electorate who based on these promises defied rain and shine to vote them to power”, he said.

The NNPP chieftain stressed, “When leaders make the necessary sacrifice, God will intervene and bring prosperity on our land. Our leaders should fear and respect Almighty God and because of this they should work day and night to ensure the masses are not suffering any untold hardship”.

“Our political leaders should also learn from the sacrifice made by Ibrahim to surrender his only son for sacrifice promised to Allah until Allah saw his clean mind and replaced him with a ram for sacrifice. No sacrifice is too much to ensure peaceful and prosperity of Nigerians”.

While calling on Nigerians to use the Eid El Kabir celebrations occasion “to pray for our leaders both at the national and state levels for God to continue guiding their steps and helping them to lead the country from hardship to prosperity.

“Despite the current harsh economy, I urged our Muslim brothers and sisters to rejoice for the gift of life. When we are alive, there is hope of a better tomorrow. We should, particularly, be grateful to Almighty Allah for the peace we are currently enjoying in our nation.

“I rejoice with Muslim faithful across the country on this occasion of Eid el Kabir. I wish them a successful celebration devoid of crisis and rancour”.