NLNG assures Nigerians on Train 7 project benefits 


The Nigeria Liquified Natural Gas (NLNG) has reaffirmed its commitment to delivering economic benefits through the Train 7 project on Bonny Island to Nigerians.

In a statement signed by its General Manager, External Relations and Sustainable Development, Andy Odeh, made available to journalists in Abuja on Sunday, NLNG confirmed that the project, with a total contract sum of $4.3 billion, has reached an overall progress of 67% completion.

Andy Odey in the statement, explained that the 67% completion status of the project was achieved by significant construction milestone of over 45 million manhours without any Lost Time Injury (LTI). 

NLNG through the project according to the statement, is already delivering on one of its benefits with over 9,000 Nigerians working in the project on Bonny Island, and numerous indirect jobs and businesses emerging and booming as a result of the construction. 

It emphasised that the Train 7 project is a strategic initiative that will support the diversification of the country’s revenue sources, revenue generation during the Energy Transition, and aid the country in achieving a net-zero future.

It also noted that the project remained crucial for monetising Nigeria’s vast gas resources, estimated at over 200 trillion cubic feet (tcf) of proven reserves and it remains an inspiration to other gas development initiatives aimed at enhancing gas monetisation and utilisation in the country.

The company equally stressed the significance of the project to the Federal Government’s Decade of Gas initiative, saying that the project is aligned with Nigeria’s gas development aspirations, as the outlined initiative is both timely and essential to secure the nation’s future.

NLNG in the statement, expressed its respect for the National Assembly and committed to collaborate with the legislature to transform Nigeria’s energy landscape. 

It also called on all stakeholders including the federal government and all well-meaning Nigerians, to support the preservation of an enabling environment for its successful completion and the attraction of more transformational projects to Nigeria.