By John Oba
In order to create a platform for networking, debate opportunities and share global best business practices, Nigerian young CEOs, with other aspiring and established entrepreneurs across the globe, would converge on Dubai, UAE, in August for the 2014 Young CEO Business Forum
The summit with the theme “Rethinking Entrepreneurship in fast Changing world: New approaches, Fresh Opportunities,’ according to a statement by the co-founder forum, Ambassador David James Egwu, would have international businessmen and women converging to discuss new strategies on how to unify global businesses, as well as find ways to enhance and support entrepreneurship globally while focusing on job creation.
He said the summit was aimed at exchanging ideas and exploring potential for business relationships and collaboration.
He said: “It is our hope that at the end of the summit, new approaches would be devised to deal with certain challenges confronting global businesses and their CEOs, as well as new opportunities explored.”
Also a principal partner of African Achievers Awards and the Forum’s co-founder, Tonye Rex Idaminabo, said outstanding young CEOs would be recognised and celebrated for their roles in global economic transformation.
Rex said: “Such recognition will motivate and challenge other aspiring CEOs and further create success model worthy of emulation.”