Niger hands over 1000 tiller tractors to farmers, targets 150,000 tons of food

The Niger state government has explained that the process of handing over 1000 power tiller tractors to farmers aimed at enhancing the production of 150,000 tons of food for this year’s cropping season has kicked off.

The Executive Chairman of Niger Foods Niger Foods Security System and Logistics Ltd, Mr. Sammy Adigun, stated this on Friday in Minna during the signing of Memorandum of Understanding ( MoU) with Niger State Agricultural and Mechanisation Development Authority (NAMDA)

He said, “over 1,000 power tillers will be handed over to NAMDA with the estimate that each power tiller will prepare about 30 hectares a month. The target in supporting 30 hectares, is to have about 150,000 tons of food, as one hectare is expected to produce an average of 5 tons. However, farmers are to repay with farm produce”.

Adigun explained that within the resources of the state government, the agreement will cover 30,000 hectares in total, comprising 20 hectares for small holder farmers and 10 hectares for medium-holders.

He listed the focal crops under the agreement to include maize, rice, soya and sesame, adding that, “farmers will be supported with seeds, chemicals, fertilizer and stipends for labour and logistics”.

In a remark, Farmer Governor Mohammed Umaru Bago represented by the Secretary to the State Government ( SSG) Alhaji Abubakar Usman said the programme is aimed at supporting small and medium-holder farmers with farm equipment and inputs to boost food production.

He said, ” this MoU is in line with the agricultural revolution of the state. Government has therefore invested heavily in Agriculture to boost national policy in food security”.