Niger coup: Engage in dialogue to avoid pogrom, group tells ECOWAS 


Northern Reform Organisation, a non-governmental organisation, has called on  the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) to tread the path of diplomacy in resolving the current log jam in the wake of the recent military coup in Niger. 

In a press statement signed by the chairman of the  organization, Alhaji Gidado Muktar,  descending into chaos and unnecessary bloodshed in the name of military intervention does not arise, adding that employing diplomatic means would be the best way to  engender peace. 

According to him, the organisation is fully in support of democracy and its ideals in all its ramifications as the most pliable form of government and that it stands for peavey and enduring stability in the West African region 

He however stated that the Nigerian State should consider the fact that the threat of war is the last option, especially that the military regime in Niger has not  threatened to declare hostility against any of the ECOWAS member States. 

He said the entire Sahelian region is in turmoil with each country grappling with internal insecurity which should serve as a cause for serious concern to every member State stressing that the issue of bringing peace to the West African continent was most expedient in  that regard.