NGO tasks rich over the needy

A non-governmental organisation (NGO), Heavenly Treasures Charity Foundation (HTCF), has urged the rich and the middle class to tithe as a means of caring for the needy and less privileged in the society.
Its founder, Mrs. Modupe Pedro, made the call at the weekend in Abuja, when she launched a book titled: ‘Tithe As Law Should We Pay’.
She decried the number of churches scattered about just because of the tithe people will pay. She however regarded them as “shops called churches.”

“Why is it that we cannot come together as one; because of tithing?”
She said the book was published to address issues about tithing, which will help to find out if it is “right to pay tithe based on law or to pay tithe voluntarily.
She, therefore, urged all to take care of the needy.

“There are many things you can do for them (the less privilege). Do good to everybody. When you are doing it in your community you will be reducing poverty. The poor are like the vessel of glory, when you take care of the poor you are pleasing God. When you are rich you have to use the richness to the glory of God and not to acquire houses.”

She added: “Some people are using millions to train just one child where there are many children out there that need just small money.”
One of the speakers at the event, Barr Melody Osas, said, “the book centers on tithing, giving the less privilege some meaning through charity.”
He said, according to UNICEF, “22, 000 children die each day due to poverty” adding that it is easier to use them (the poor) for whatever purpose.”
He said: “If we reject the needy, we reject God. Let us all key in. It is better to do the best you can to make your neighbour happy and not be the only happy one among bitter and angry neighbours.
“If we have no peace, it is because we refused to be responsible for each other.”