NGO strengthens capacity of newly elected councillors in Yobe

A Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) spotlight transparency and accountability with the support from Nigeria youth future fund has commenced the phase one training of 20 councillors across four Local Government Area (LGA) of Damaturu, Fika Potiskum and Tarmuwa in Yobe state.

Speaking at the training in Damaturu, the Chief Executive Officer for the spotlight transparency and accountability, Muazu Alhaji Modu, said the purpose of the training is to see how they can strengthen the councillors’ capacity in terms of legislative function, role and responsibilities, public financial management in the local government level and strengthen internally generated ravenue and how they can engage citizens in the local government administration.

Mu’azu stressed that their mission is to empower and work with grassroots communities to demand accountability, enhance transparency and strengthen democratic governance in Nigeria, adding that the training with the support from Nigeria youth future fund, is designed to strengthen the youth eco system in Nigeria.

“We have brought together 20 councillors across 4 LGAs of Tarmuwa, Damaturu, Potiskum and Fika as well as representative from the Yobe state ministry for local government and chieftaincy affairs, House of Assembly, Ministry of Youth and Sports, as well as some of the local government community development officers for them to have a kind of robost training for them.

“If local government get autonomy and the councillors didn’t know their legislative functions and responsibilities, we may end up going back to square one, so we are looking at how we can be able to build their capacity even if local government autonomy is achieved then this local government councillors can be able to deliver their task”, said Spotlight CEO.

A facilitator at the training, Mohammed Kime said, “it is a surprise to see that some of the elected councillors didn’t have ideas that he is a representative of the people and there are things he should do.”

He stated that, “In this capacity building they are going to train them on issues around governance, budget processes,internal generated ravenue in the local government and come up with a ways on how they would improve the lives of their people,” the facilitator said.

One of the councillors from postikum LGA, representing Yarimaram ward, Mohammed Mohammed Usman, commended the organisers of the training.