New FCT NUJ chair pledges change, professionalism


The newly elected chairman of the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) Federal Capital Territory Council, Comrade Emmanuel Ogbeche has pledged to work harmoniously with his team to foster progress and
professionalism of the union.

Oghbeche made the pledge on Saturday after being sworn in as chairman of the FCT council following a keenly contested election.

He declared that he would fish out quacks in the media under his watch and pledged to ensure that the welfare of members is adequately taken care of.

Oath of office was administered to new executives by Barrister Esther Uzoma immediately after the election.

Announcing the result of the polls held at the NUJ secretariat, Abuja, the chairman of the credentials committee, Henry Umoru, said Ogbeche polled 338 votes to defeat Mrs. Ramatu Onyeche Salami, who scored 193 votes.

Comrade Patrick Osaretin Osadebamwen was elected Vice Chairman while the post of Treasurer was won by Mrs. Aisha Ali Kadala, as the posts of Secretary, Financial Secretary, and Auditor went to Ochiaka Ugwu, Dorcas Jonah and Walter Ukaegbu, respectively, unopposed.