NEPZA opens up opportunities, modalities

All plans are on deck by the Nigeria Export Processing Zones Authority (NEPZA) to ensure that youth within the vicinity and location of any Free Trade Zone in the country are given 60 percent of job slots.
According to the Acting Managing Director of NEPZA, Mr Bitrus Dawuk, on Tuesday in Abuja, 40 percent job slots will be distributed among other parts of the country.
Dawuk while reacting to recent labour crisis at Ogun-Guandong Free Zone, Igbesa, Ogun State assured that jobs slots in Free Trade Zones across the country to host communities are equitably distributed.  

On the industrial dispute between the workers and management of Goodwin Ceramic Free Zone Enterprise (FZE) located in the Zone, he said it was necessitated by the extension of lockdown  by government to curtail the spread of coronavirus pandemic, which prompted several workers of the Enterprise mostly from the North- East demanding for  additional payment to stay or vacate the Zone.

He further explained that despite the pleas by the Zone’s management and security agencies that the workers should stay in order not to expose themselves to the COVID-19 pandemic and the financial payment  provided for them to cater for their needs,bthey remained adamant.
Dawuk expressed delight that the labour crisis has been resolved despite wrong accounts from some media adding that it was during the incident that the Authority discovered that its policy on 60 percent recruitment of people from the catchment area was not fully enforced by the Free Zone Enterprise.

“Until this dispute, it was not obvious that more than 80 percent of the workers of the Enterprise of Ogun-Guandong Free Zone were not from the catchment area. 
“The current Resident Zone Administrator said he inherited the problem when he assumed duty in December 2019 after the retirement of the immediate past Resident Zone Administrator.
“The Authority is already putting a mechanism and template to redress the situation to ensure that youth within the vicinity and location of any Zone in the country regulated by the Authority are given 60% of all job slots while 40 percent will be distributed to other parts of the country,”  he said.
It was, however, gathered that the zone management representative of Goodwin Ceramic Free Zone Enterprise, said the enterprise’s decision to engage workers from other part of the country was due to the fact that indigenes of the host community most of the times are either not willing to take up available jobs or not committed to do it.

He said most people in the catchment area of the zone often considered available jobs as menial and prefer more skilled jobs that are not usually available.
He said before the lockdown, the company provided free accommodation and highly subsidized feeding to almost 80 percent of the workers because they were not from the host state, adding that the company was surprised when on 13 April, 2020, the workers were demanding N200,000 apart from improved feeding and a payment of full month salary.
He said the ugly development prompted a meeting between the Zone Management, NEPZA and the team from Goodwin Ceramics Free  Zone Enterprise to address the demands, which agreed that there should be improved feeding, N6,000 be given to each worker as transport fare for those that wanted to leave, among others. 

“After the meeting, we met the workers to discuss these outcomes  with them, to our surprise, they changed their demands. They were requesting for the payment of N200,000 each.To add more to the problem on ground , they invited their co-workers that live in the host community who wanted to gain entrance to the Zone by force,” he said.
He however noted that it took the intervention of security personnel to restore order, the zone management representative said the situation became worse the following morning when some workers engaged Police in a fight to gain entrance to Goodnow Ceramics to burn many of companies properties, including a truck. 

He, however, said with the intervention of the Police the dispute was resolved amicably, with the payment of N50,000  to each worker .
“Having collected the money through e-payment they demanded they were no longer interested in living in the Zone. 
“We advised them to stay because of the lockdown to prevent COVID-19 pandemic spread but they insisted to leave the Zone and by 5:00pm (14 April) they left the Zone peacefully to their various destinations,” he explained.