NEPAD Nigeria wants Korea’s assistance on skills acquisition

An appeal has gone to the Peoples Republic of Korea to assist Nigeria in its drive towards skills acquisition, empowerment and ultimately wealth creation.
The appeal was made in Abuja on Friday by the national coordinator/chief executive officer of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development in Nigeria, (NEPAD) Princess Gloria Akobundu, when the Korean ambassador to Nigeria, Maj Gen Lee In Tae, paid her a courtesy visit.
According to Akobundu, skills acquisition brings about empowerment and wealth creation through production technology which Korea is noted for.
“Using the existing platform, NEPAD would want to establish a partnership and collaborative relationship with your government and her private sector entities in building capacity, promotion of indigenous products with local manufacturers/factories to create employment and wealth.” She said the agency which had been in existence since 2001 has been in the forefront of getting development partners, donor and funding agencies to key into NEPAD Nigeria programmes which cut across all sectors of the economy in order to create jobs unemployed Nigerians, women/ youth/vulnerable groups through skills acquisition, empowerment and capacity building.
She outlined some programmes of the agency capable of creating wealth to include higher institution tractorisation initiative to incorporate agro industrial and processing village, vocational/technical training, small scale industrial projects and ICT/digital skills development and knowledge transfer.
“It is important to inform you that Nigeria needs to continually develop skills of the youths for economic development.
This can only be achieved through transfer of technology and building of skills acquisition centres across the country.
We would like to use Korean technology to promote our indigenous/local products,” she stated.