Ndume rates Unimaid best for its stance against terrorism


Senator Mohammed Ali Ndume ( APC Borno South) ,  has described University of Maiduguri (Unimaid) as one of the best for its resilient stance  against terrorism in the hay days of the dreaded Boko Haram insurgency.

Ndume stated this Wednesday when a delegation of the Vice Chancellor of the university led by Prof. Adamu Umar Dzivama presented an award of Ambassador-At-Large of the University of Maiduguri to him at the National Assembly.

The team leader, Prof. Dzivama also disclosed that they were in the senator’s office to invite him for the forthcoming 24th combined convocation ceremony coming up on 18th November, 2023.

According to him, the Vice Chancellor said they shouldn’t send invitation card to Ndume, but come personally to invite him because, apart from being a good friend of the university, a colleague from the same constituency and someone who made generous donations in cash and equipment, his physical presence will “add glamour” to the day. 

“In fact he has donated several computers to the university, awarded scholarships to the students and has been at the forefront to see to the development of the university and any time we call upon him he is there for us”.

Speaking after presentation of the award, Ndume said, “I want to thank you, not because of this honour, because there are many out there that are friends of the university, but for reason best known to you, the honour fell on me. All I can say is to assure you that I will not disappoint the university. I will continue to do my best.

“University of Maiduguri is one of the best in the country that stood it’s ground even during their darkest time of the Boko Haram, the university staff and students remained resilient, and Alhamdulilahi it’s now history.”

Ndume who said he personally believes in Unimaid, recalled how he was to be a lecturer at the institution on his return from USA in 1990, but later decided to remain in Ramat Polytechnic for personal reasons, adding that they remained as a family.

He said it is an obligation on them to continue to raise the standard and the status of the university. 

The Borno South senator who said he “hardly attends ceremonies” however promised to attend the convocation, which he called an event that he must be involved in, adding that since he has been appointed as “Ambassador-At-Large”, he has to start his work one of which is to attend the convocation ceremony.

He assured the university that the Nigerian Senate, where he is the Chief Whip, will always be there for them.