Ndukwe chairs BoICT lecture/awards

Stories by David Agba

National Coordinator of Alliance for Affordable Internet (A4AI), Nigeria and former Executive Vice Chairman and CEO of the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC), Dr Ernest Ndukwe, would chair this year’s Beacon of ICT (BoICT) Distinguished Lecture/Awards Series, the organisers said.

Ndukwe, also chairman, Open Media Group is a leading voice for affordable internet. He will set the tone for the 2016 BoICT lecture/awards, widely regarded as the most prestigious annual event available in the ICT industry in Nigeria.
According to Ken Nwogbo, CEO, Communication Week Media Ltd, organisers of the BoICT Distinguished Lecture/Awards Series, “Dr. Ndukwe fits perfectly into the central theme of this year’s celebration and we are glad to have him chair this year’s celebration”“Dr. Ndukwe is the father of modern telecommunications in Nigeria and a globally sought after resource person and we are indeed glad that he could join this year,” Nwogbo addded.
This year’s Beacon of ICT Distinguished Lecture/Awards Series is slated for Saturday, April 23, 2016, at the prestigious Eko Hotels and Suites, Lagos and has as its theme “Data Centre as Kiln of Industrialisation and Transformation.”

The Beacon of ICT Distinguished Lecture is designed to explore efforts to put Nigeria on the global information and communications technologies map. Dr. Ndukwe and the event have a history going back as the inaugural edition when he as the then Executive Vice Chairman, Nigeria Communications Commission (NCC) delivered the lecture and gazing into the crystal ball, foretold a broadband revolution. The following year, it was the turn of Engr. Yomi Bolarinwa, former Director-General of National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) who x-rayed the digitization of broadcasting. In 2012, Dr. Jean Luc Fort, CEO at OR System France and a specialist in Counterparty Risk wowed the crowd with expectations from mobile money.

In 2013, Professor Chris Nwagboso, Chairman, Knowledge Factory International, United Kingdom and one of the best brains in integrated transport and automotive systems in world; with works in innovation and enterprise delivered the keynote.He spoke on the theme: “Technology Adaption; Looking IT Straight In the Eye”.Uche Orji, managing director/chief executive officer, Nigeria Sovereign Investment Authority (NSIA), in 2014, shared his wealth of global experience in the financial services sector with ICT industry.