Ndoma-Egba bemoans attempt to cede land to Cameroun

By Ezrel Tabiowo

Disturbed that Nigeria may lose some of its communities in Danari, Boki local government, Cross River state, the Senate Leader, Victor Ndoma-Egba, yesterday drew the attention of the federal government and Senate on the International Boundary adjustment being done, which if overlooked, could lead to the country losing parts of its territory to Cameroun.
Ndoma-Egba, while coming under Order 42 of the Senate Standing Rules, said the exercise which was going on in his constituency was already causing a lot of anxiety amongst his constituents.

He said: “They (constituents) fear that at the end of the exercise we will be losing not just communities but a number of communities to the Cameroons. So, with your kind permission, I will like to bring a formal a motion on this on our next legislative day (which is June 24).”
President of the Senate, David Mark, called for vote on the proposed motion, one which subsequently was approved, and, therefore, billed to be considered upon Senate’s resumption on June 24, from a two-week recess which commenced yesterday.
He said: “This country must never, never under any circumstance surrender one millimeter of our land to any country irrespective of who is supervising it,  whether it is the United Nations or African Union.

“It is a serious issue and the matter will be discussed in our next legislative day.”
Ndoa-Egba, expounding on the issue, said: “I have information that right now pursuant to the Green Tree Agreement (GTA),  that resulted in the ceding of Bakassi to the Cameroons (in 2008), that some boundary adjustment exercise is going on and they are right now in a place called Danari.
“Danari is in Boki local government area of Cross River state and it is in my constituency.  And there is a lot of anxiety among the people that the exercise will result in loss of territory to the Cameroons.

“I don’t have the details, but I just thought Nigerians should know that this is going on and this is the anxiety. I am going to the constituency now when I get home I get more details and then bring a formal motion on the floor.
“I have received that information that is to underscore the anxiety that is going on among the people of the affected communities.”
He added: “The Green Tree Agreement wasn’t all about Bakassi it involved well established international boundaries from Borno state right down because we have boundaries right through with the Cameroon from Borno state through Adamawa down to Cross River.”