NASEMA bill scales second reading at Nasarawa Assembly

The Nasarawa state House of Assembly, Monday, passed into second reading a bill for a law to establish the Nasarawa state Emergency Management Agency and for other matters related thereto.
Speaker of the House, Hon. Ibrahim Balarabe Abdullahi, announced the passage of the bill into second reading after Hon.Tanko Tunga, the majority leader of the house presented the substance of the bill during the house proceedings in Lafia.
The speaker said the bill if finally passed into law would address the problem of emergency situations in the state.
He said the state emergency management agency will also get two per cent of the federal allocation to the state.

The speaker committed the bill to the house committees on environment and health to work on it and report back to the House on December 21, 2020.

Earlier, Hon Tanko Tunga ( APC-Awe North), the majority leader of the house while giving the substance of the bill said that the agency is to  formulate policies and advise the government on disaster management in the state.
Hon Danladi Jatau (PDP-Kokona West), the minority leader of the house supported the bill and urged his colleagues to allow the bill to see the light of the day.