Nasarawa, FRSC to train youths on traffic regulations

By Mohammed Yangida

Governor Umaru Tanko Al-makura of Nasarawa state said that the state will collaborate with Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) in the training of traffic warders of the newly engaged 1, 500 members of the Nasarawa  youths Empowerment Scheme (NAYES).

He disclosed this when he paid an unscheduled visit to the Chindo Yamusa NYSC camp, Keffi, venue of the training of the newly recruited 1, 500 youths in the state.
A statement issued by the Special Assistant on Media and Publicity to Governor, Ahmed Tukur, said the governor was at the camp to inspect facilities and  the preparedness for the training of the 3rd Batch of NAYES.

Al-Makura said the youth would be trained as traffic warders, community watchers, sanitary inspectors and other needed services that might arise.
He said the state government had also sent a bill to the House of Assembly to institutionalise the scheme in the state.
The governor explained that “so far the state has recruited about 3, 000 youths in the scheme and intends to recruit 1, 500 yearly or more depending of the demands of the state.”