Nasarawa assembly harmonious despite party differences – Minority Leader

The minority leader, Nasarawa State House of Assembly Hon. Abel Yakubu Bala (PDP Nasarawa Eggon West) has hailed the unity existing among members of the State House of Assembly despite their party differences.
He disclosed this while speaking to newsmen in Lafia, Sunday.
He emphasised that the house under the leadership of the Speaker, Rt Hon. Ibrahim Balarabe Abdullahi is peaceful, united and working as one body towards the attainment of the developmental goals and objectives of the state despite their party and political differences.
He urged the speaker to sustain the spirit just as he called on the people of the state to continue to pray and support the state governor and their representatives both at the state and national levels to succeed.

“Members of the house have decided and agreed to dropped their political affiliations or persuasions aside and team up together so as to bring socour to the people of the state through making popular and acceptable legislatures that would stand the test of time”.
While describing governor Abdullahi Sule as a legislature-friendly governor, Saying that the contract for the remodeled of the state assembly chamber by the governor has no doubt provided a conducive working environment for the  lawmakers.
The house, therefore, expressed satisfaction with the upgrading  of the Assembly hallowed chamber from analog to digital, said the development has further demonstrated the effective synergy between the legislatures and Executive.