Nasarawa APC guber candidate preaches peace


Governorship candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Nasarawa state, Abdullahi Alhaji Sule, has urged citizens of the state to remain united in order to achieve the objective of meaningful
development for the state.

He stated this at the weekend in an occasion organized in his honour by an APC governorship aspirant Tanimu Saminu, in his country home Gudi, Akwanga Local government of the state.

He said that without peace no meaningful development could be achieved. He called for a united Nasarawa state to remain peaceful and united because our unity is the key for us to achieve whatever we want to achieve in life.”

Sule promised better days ahead for the citizens of the state adding that he had developed a blue print that would transform Nasarawa state economically through industrialisation which will in turn create jobs for the teaming unemployed youths across the state.

“I cannot make you millionaire or be giving monies but I promise you a better future by raising the quality of your lives through promotion of various areas where people would actually work and get paid for the job that they have done.

” We have reduced the idea of our manifesto into what we are going to do in our first 100 days in office and what we are going to do in our six months in office. We decided on what are we going to do for the
entire four years in office and we have already laid that out.” He said.

Sule explained further that if given the mandate, he would focus on creating an enabling environment for private businesses to thrive and support entrepreneurs to do businesses with ease in the state.

The APC candidate urged Nasarawa residents to always shun violence, live in peace and tolerate one another irrespective of their ethnic, religious and political affiliation. Power comes from God alone and
no single ethnic group can give you power,” he said.

He warned the electorate against selling their PVCs and appealed to them to come out and vote massively for the victory of the great party, APC at all levels in 2019.