NAHCON charges HAUON on service delivery

By Ayoni M. Agbabiaka

National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON) has reiterated its resolve to ensure service delivery to Nigerian pilgrims.
The commission insisted that for every service not rendered by the state pilgrims board or any tour operator, refund would be made and a sum of N1.5 billion had been recovered for pilgrims of 2015 hajj.

NAHCON Chairman, Alh. Abdullahi Mukhtar Muhammad, further revealed that the activities of the tour operators will be closely monitored and evaluated to ensure quality service delivery to the pilgrims.
“2016 hajj will be closely monitored from beginning to the end. We will have auditor who monitors your services rendered. Any of you who gives poor services, we are going to recover the money from you and refund to the pilgrims”

He stated this yesterday at the National Hajj conference organised by the Association for Hajj and Umrah Operators of Nigeria (AHUON) on the theme: “Towards a Better Hajj Operation and Services Delivery in the 21th Century” held at the National Mosque, Abuja.
Chairman of the occasion, the Sultan of Sokoto, Muhammad Sa’ad  Abubakar, who was represented by the Sarki Jiwa, Alh. Idris Musa, appealled to the operators to weed-out bad eggs who have constituted disgrace to the country and the Muslim Ummah.
“There are some bad elements among you people that are taking money from people without taking them anywhere. It is a disgrace to Nigeria and Islam in general. Scrutinise yourself so that there will be sanity in your association,” he said.

In his speech, AHOUN national president, Alh. Abdulfattah Abdulmajeed, said the aim of the conference was to “have a critical look at the industry and change future approach and attitude with the hope that will impact positively on subsequent operations”.
He, however, lamented the manner in which its members are harassed at the airport for moving physical hard currency across border.
The Guest Speaker, Prof. Badmas Lanre Yusuf, further tasked the operators to ensure excellent service delivery.