Mother stabbed to death by Kano teen in heat of argument

Iro Kwarangwal, a teenager, reportedly stabbed his biological mother, Jummai, to death Wednesday night in Karshen Kwalta, Rimin Kebe quarters in Ungoggo local government area of Kano state, following an argument.

It was gathered that the incident occurred at about 5:30 pm.

“I was standing outside my house when I suddenly heard screaming from the deceased residence,” an eyewitness said.

He stated that upon rushing in for possible help, he saw the deceased who was stabbed severally with a knife screaming for help.

The culprit allegedly left the scene after committing the horrible crime against his mother.

The deceased was later reportedly brought to hospital in a tricycle with blood all over her body.

Spokesman of Kano Police command, Abdullahi Haruna, confirmed the incident.