Ministerial slot: Why Gwamna should be considered

Since President Bola Tinubu’s ministerial nominees were made public, there had been a lot of commendations for Mr. President, although, the list was not without some elements of surprises, especially, for those who really wanted Tinubu to pick the wrong choice so that the task of delivering his renewed hope agenda will become a mirage.

For many that know Tinubu and his knack for competence and capacity as well as his unrepentant disregard for ethnicity or petty sentiments had expected that Mr. President’s list will be more of technocrats than any other political considerations as he is a man who is in a hurry to deliver good governance to the good people of Nigeria and so far he hasn’t disappointed with the ministerial nominees presented in his first batch submission to the Senate.

Tinubu is that leader who came in through the trust of many democrats across the country and from people who believe in his ability to turn the table for Nigeria’s prosperity that will guarantee serious improvement in the lives of Nigerians. 

Tinubu being a leader who does not want to disappoint the millions of voters who queued under the sun to cast their votes has made a strong statement with his ministerial nominees that he is not in Aso Rock to serve himself but Nigerians. So far, 28 names have been submitted to the Senate for their constitutional role and the personalities of these nominees have shown that President Tinubu does not intend to fail on his pledges to citizens of this great country.

From the number of nominees, it is expected that President Tinubu will send a supplementary list to the Senate to meet up with constitutional requirements and the 11 states yet to be considered are Kano Bayelsa, Gombe, Kebbi, Kogi, Plateau, Lagos, Osun, Yobe, and Zamfara.

For Gombe state, it is gratifying to know that there are lots of personalities who are qualified in view of the roles played by the All Progressives Congress (APC) family in the state under the dynamic leadership of Governor Inuwa Yahaya.

However, of all the names being dangled by the media and other social media platforms, Dr. Jamil Isyaku Gwamna stands tall by all standards used by Mr. President in nominating those on the first batch list, hence he should be considered.

Dr. Gwamna, as a heavy-weight politician, is more deserving and should be given the ministerial slot for Gombe to represent the state at the Federal Executive Council, FEC 

Gwamna, who was the Tinubu-Shettima campaign coordinator in the state, criss-crossed the nooks and crannies of Gombe state with Governor Yahaya campaigning for APC and his effort contributed immensely towards the victory of the party. Besides the political effort of Gwamna towards the huge votes secured by Mr. President in Gombe state, another factor that gives Gwamna an edge over others is the fact that he is a seasoned technocrat who has garnered enough experience that is highly needed to help drive the renewed hope agenda of Mr. President for the good of Nigerians.

Also, Dr. Gwamna who holds the traditional title of Sardauna Gombe in Gombe Emirate is arguably one of the most popular philanthropists in the state as he is reputed to have touched the lives of many youths in the state through employment opportunities, educational empowerment of all sorts and has always been involved in many humanitarian activities across communities in the state. With this, Gwamna will be an asset in the cabinet of Mr. President as Nigerians now need leaders who are humane enough to connect with the people and help them through the difficult moments.

Like Mr.President, Gwamna has been known for his de-tribalised approach to engaging with Nigerians. With this kind of disposition, he would be useful to drive Tinubu’s agenda of unifying Nigeria within Gombe state as well as North-east and Nigeria in general.

It is a common knowledge that Gwamna is innovative and a man that has strong bias for technology and creative approach to doing things. This is one of the benefits that the Tinubu cabinet stands to gain if Gwamna is considered as a minister. The challenges that Nigeria is currently facing require creative thinking and innovation to solve while leveraging technology, hence Mr President needs this man to help him add value to governance.

Also, it is on record that Gwamna has offered jobs and foreign academic scholarship to more indigenes of Gombe than any other politician in recent time, irrespective of religion or other ethnic sentiments and this gesture has made him a political force and a household name in the state; this is the kind of leader that Tinubu’s cabinet needs to ensure effective distribution of national resources for the benefit of Nigerians, irrespective of religion or ethnic groupings.

Having worked at the top echelon of management and administrative strata both at the private and public sectors from 1987 to 2013 when he became the MD/CEO of KEDCO where his experience has been brought to bear in managing the company to the enviable heights that KEDCO now occupies, Gwamna is a round peg in a round hole and should be given the ministerial slot. 

From being the Officer- Nigerian Bank for Commerce and Industry in 1987 to holding the apex managerial posts at Kaduna Aluminium Ltd and Kaduna Machine Works Ltd to being the then Executive Chairman, Gombe State Water Corporation in 2000 to other top managerial and consultancy positions at Sahelian Energy and Integrated Services, Gwamna besides being a managerial specialist is also a maestro of Public-Private Partnership with a mélange of experience from both sectors. His stint as lecturer in the department of economics, international business and finance, London Metropolitan University between 2005 and 2006 is a testament of his sagacity in academics.

Dr Gwamna is professional of repute whose contributions to the country exist in more ways than one and has been a role model to millions of youth, having been an advocate for education as a tool for empowerment and for national development. Dr Jamil Isyaku Gwamna is a multi-faceted professional with uncommon skills, seasoned by his wealth of experiences having served at different capacities. 

As an expert in the Economics of PPP/PFI, Project Finance, Organisational Strategy, Accounting and Financial Analysis, Gwamna is also a member of several professional bodies while winning several awards to his credit as a man who has done well for the society more than himself. A selfless being and an altruist to the core as far as humanity is concerned. 

As a politician, he has shown great respect and dedication to party rules. He is one politician who many see as a true devotee to internal party politics anchored on justice and equity. His political charisma has become a magnet that will attract supports anytime he throws himself up for any political position within and outside the state.

Gwamna who doubles as the Sardaunan-Gombe is comprehensively qualified and as at today remains the most suitable as far as Gombe is concerned. Trent Shelton, an America author, says “the right decisions are always the hardest to make. But they must be made in order to live the life you deserve.” This speaks to the several qualified choices in Gombe but the right choice remains Dr. Gwamna, a man who has been tested and trusted and has wide acceptance within and outside the state. Mr President, kindly pick Dr Gwamna to add value to your cabinet and give Nigerians the kind of life they deserve.