Ministerial slot: Don’t recycle failure, Katsina whistle blower urges Tinubu 


A Katsina-based whistle blower, AbdulMumini Shehu Sani, has urged President Bola Tinubu not to recycle failure by appointing former Katsina state governor, Aminu Bello Masari into his cabinet.

Sani said “After Masari’s eight years as Governor, he should stand trial for corruption, mismanagement, and the billions of money that got missing from the public treasury during his reign, rather than stand at the floor of the Senate to be screened for another opportunity to amass more. 

“The Tinubu administration deserves to work with persons of proven integrity who will add to the credibility of the administration, rather than those who will tarnish its image. 

“Dozens of supporting documents have placed it on record that Aminu Bello Masari merely used the Water Resources sector as a cash cow during his eight years in office.

“Ajiwa Water Supply scheme was the main conduit pipe through which at least N9.1 billion Naira was released to ‘consultants’ and ‘contractors’ that have neither the experience nor expertise in the water sector.”

He also accused the former governor of refusing to conduct local government elections for seven years and failing to account for local government funds spent during the period.

“Governor Aminu Bello Masari owes the people of Katsina State an explanation on the whereabouts of N35,364,610,435.00 (N35 billion) being the total amount received by the state from Paris Club Refunds as at June 2019. 

“Better still, the EFCC and ICPC should probe Alhaji Aminu Bello Masari on where, how, and on what that money was spent. 

“They should probe the allegations and accusations that Masari used a large chunk of the money for personal use, many public officials have been grumbling over how part of the money still remains unaccounted for.”

Responding to the allegations, a former Chief of Staff to Governor Aminu Bello Masari, Alh Bature Umar Masari, described the whistle blower as a stubborn person, saying: ” Don’t take Sani serious because he has the habit of attacking the activities of the former Governor for years.” 

Masari said ” It’s our belief this time around Sani is being sponsored to put dust to the proposed appointment of Aminu Bello Masari as a minister.” 

Although Masari did not deny the allegations, he said everything is on record for everyone to see as the former governor handed all the developmental records over to the present administration of Dikko Umar Radda.