Military Intel chief, 9 others honoured in Cross River 

Governor Bassey Otu of Cross River state has conferred awards of recognition on the Chief of Defence Intelligence, Maj. Gen. Emmanuel Undiandeye and nine other indigenes of the state, who distinguished themselves in public office.

Those honoured are: Sen. John Owan-Enoh, Minister of Sports; Dr. Betta Edu, Minister of Humanitarian Affairs; Justice Jane Inyang, Justice of the Court of Appeal.

Others are; AIG Okon Effiong Okon of the Department of Finance and Administration, ICT – Force Headquarters, Abuja; AIG Echeng Eworo Echeng in-charge of Zone 9 Headquarters, Umuahia; AIG Susan A Horsefall (rtd), AIG Paul Ojeka, Zone 11 Command, Osogbo, AIG Patrick Ogon Edung, and AIG Emmanuel Effiom.

Speaking, Gov. Otu urged the honourees to push beyond their boundaries, explore new possibilities, and make greater impact in their dedication and commitment to serving the nation and humanity, emphasising the importance of not settling for mediocrity but rather striving for excellence in their respective fields

Otu said, “Today, we celebrate our eminent sons and daughters whose hard work has elevated them to serve the state and nation at the federal level.”

He noted that unity and development could only be achieved when everyone works together towards common goals, adding, “Permit me to use this forum to reiterate the essence of unity, among our diverse ethnic groups and party lines in the State.

“The unity of Cross River State is sacrosanct, it therefore takes precedence over and above other considerations. The challenge of building a peaceful, harmonious and prosperous state rests squarely on everyone’s shoulders, irrespective of tribe or political inclination, we are all strategic stakeholders in the affairs of Cross River State.

“The crucible of leading a state is overwhelmingly daunting, but with the force of our collective resolve, we shall arrive at our desired destination.”