Mbah’s tomorrow empty, he should sit up – Nwobodo

Former governorship aspirant of the Accord Party in Enugu state in the last election, Barrister John Nwobodo, has accused the governor of Enugu state, Barrister Peter Mbah, of foot-dragging on the development of the state.

Nwobodo who was also the former chairman of Inter Party Advisory Council, IPAC as well as Chairman of Conference of Registered Political Parties (CRPP) in the state, said Mbah who made laudable promises during his campaign should buckle up and provide the needed democracy dividends.

Making his views known in an interview with newsmen, Nwobodo said that citizens expected much from  him on his huge promises of “tomorrow is here.”

“Honestly, my advice for Mbah is to pick up immediately. Citizens want to see him deliver on the promises he made, laudable promises with the big slogan of “tomorrow is here.”. 

He lamented that “tomorrow has indeed come and the tomorrow is still empty,” he laments.

Nwobodo said that for two months Mbah has been on the saddle, he was yet to appoint commissioners, an indication that he might not have prepared for governance.

“Many of his counterparts in other states have appointed commissioners but he is yet to do so,” he said reminding him that his four years have started counting and for this reason should sit up.

He however acknowledged that Mbah has procured some compactors for waste disposal for ESWAMA but said that that was not enough.

The former IPAC boss said that one significant achievement Mbah has made is the banning said it-at-home in the state to check the hardship the citizens are facing but condemned the mode of implementation of the cancellation of the Sit-at-home.

Condemning the enforcement of the cancellation of sit-at-home, Nwobodo said that it was wrong to seal people’s business premises to force them to open their shops.

“I don’t think that it is right to seal people’s business premises because their shops were not open on Monday when the officials of ECTA visited their shops.”