May 29: How’s Kano prepared for change of guard?

As the count down to the change of guard at Kano Government House  ticks, the political game of venom spitting among the leading  gladiators is at high pitch. Our Kano correspondent BASHIR MOHAMMED reports on the intrigues behind 

Hot exchanges between Yusuf, Ganduje 

With few days to the official swearing-in of the newly elected governor of Kano state in the person of Alhaji Abba Kabir Yusuf, the political landscape of the state has appeared to have been riddled with startling pronouncements on both sides of the political divide – the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) and the new Sheriff in town and incoming government of the New Nigeria People’s Party (NNPP).

Yusuf, the incoming governor has already begun to wield his swagger stick ever before taking the mantle of leadership firing serious warning shots at those who still want to maintain their romance with the outgoing government led by  Governor Abdullahi Umar Ganduje. 

The governor-elect was inspired by the fact that power and leadership dawned on him courtesy of the popular will of the electorate who gave him the mandate to mount the saddle in spite of the claim by his predecessor that he is still calling the shots.

Operating from the Presidential Suite of the famous Tahir Luxury Guest Palace, the new governor elect fired the first warning shot at various lending agencies that may wish to enter into last minute deal  with the outgoing government on the premise that such financial deals would not be honoured by the incoming administration. 

Reading the riot act to financial institutions Yusuf said, “we call on them to be circumspect in giving loan to the out going government because my government would not honour it.

In a fit of emotional frenzy, Ganduje fired back telling the new governor elect that he still remained in charge up till May 29 and that being a new governor-elect does not imply that he is out of the fray.

Unperturbed by the counter offensive launched by Governor Abdullahi Umar Ganduje, Yusuf  also vowed to revisit any land deal that had transpired in the last eight years, a promise that sent shivers down the spines of those deeply  involved. 

Yusuf said, “we are determined to cast our dragnet to get to the root of the deals; we are serious on it. The land belong to the people of the state, meant not to be usurped by the self centred individuals,  we are not on a mission to effect a vengeance; we will do what is  legally right”, he affirmed.

Kwankwaso’s outburst

However, the most shocking  revelation that is generating  serious controversy in political circles was the nerve breaking pronouncement made by the supreme leader of the Kwankwasiyya Movement, Engineer Rabiu Musa Kwamkwaso, that the new NNPP led government would revisit the saga that led to the dethronement of  Emir Muhammad Sanusi II.

The leader of the Kwankwasiyya Movement made it clear to everyone that the creation of the four additional emirates would be revisited saying “as soon as we come on board, we are going to do something about it. Make no mistake, our mission will be pursued to a logical conclusion”, he remarked. 

Again, Governor Abdullahi Umar Ganduje replied his erstwhile mentor that it is only God that can destroy the four additional Emirates he had created during his time.

The people’s views

With the raging cold war reaching a fever pitch, pundits and opinion leaders have started reacting to what they described as a bad omen to the quest for a peaceful transition few days to the official inauguration date.

In the words of a respected opinion leader who craved for anonymity, Kano would be on the precipice if the warring factions failed to sheathe their swords for peace to prevail.

It was his contention that creating bad blood would be inimical to the quest for development and progress adding that becoming embroiled in fruitless confrontation could only spell doom for the  socio economic well being of Kano.

He said, “this is not the right time for confrontation and or personal vendetta, we want to progress further government and  governance is a continued process.

“We have to have credible and sustained agenda even the issue of revisiting the issue of the deposed Emir does not arise. The issue bandied about should serve as a pointer to monarchs to steer clear of partisan politics,” he added. 

In a discordant stance, a renowned public affairs commentator Malam Aminu Hanga said for any government to succeed, the issue of accountability is paramount,  stressing that our leaders in positions of authority must be  guided by true concept and precepts of good governance in a democratic setting. 

With the change of guard becoming inevitable, in the face of the fire spitting game playing out with possible repercussions, the people of Kano have kept their fingers crossed waiting for what will after happen May 29 when the inauguration of the new government will take place.