Maulud: Etsu Nupe harps on love, tolerance, compassion among Nigerians


Alhaji Yahaya Abubakar, the Etsu Nupe and chairman, Niger State Council of Traditional Rulers, has called on Muslims to use the Eid-el-Maulud occasion to reflect on the virtues of love, tolerance and compassion exemplified by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Etsu Nupe, who made the call on Wednesday in his goodwill message to Muslims celebrating the birth of Prophet Muhammad, explained that “the prophet became famous for his life of humility, justice and fairness.

The royal father explained that the prophet demonstrated “a remarkable life of patience under provocation and honoured treaties with non-Muslims for peaceful coexistence”.

“Honesty was one of Muhammad’s greatest virtues and every good Muslim should follow his examples,” Etsu Nupe added.

He encouraged Muslim clerics to preach love, stressing that the Maulud celebration should be an occasion for sober reflection and a reminder that Muslims should be good ambassadors of Islam.

He said it was not just enough to be a Muslim, “but you must also have a fear of Allah and behave in the most acceptable manner to your fellow human beings”.

Alhaji Abubakar urged Nigerians to continue to be tolerant and live in peace with one another, irrespective of religious, cultural and ethnic differences.

“The fundamental message of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is love, peaceful co-existence and sharing of fellowship with all people of faith.”

“Well-to-do individuals should show empathy to the poor and needy in the society and forgive one another in the spirit of Eid-el-Maulud,” Alhaji Abubakar stated.

He said sustained prayers would enable the nation to overcome the devilish acts threatening its peaceful coexistence.

Etsu Nupe called on Muslims to be prayerful, saying that prayer was key to overcoming any situation they found themselves in.

The royal father urged Muslims to shun acts capable of tarnishing the image of Islam.