Marafa vows fight Yari in APC

Senator Kabiru Marafa has vowed to remain in the All Progressives Congress (APC) in order to lead the charge against the alleged injustices by Governor Abdulaziz Yari.
The APC governorship aspirant, who sought to replace Governor Yari, also promised to support the second term bid of President Muhammadu Buhari.
According to a statement he issued over the weekend, he challenged Gov. Yari to decamp to another party with all his anointed candidates and test his popularity by contesting against him.
Marafa gave the challenge ahead of Saturday’s deadline for the substitution of governorship candidates set by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC).
“I will remain in the APC to support and lead President Buhari’s 2019 re-election campaign in Zamfara State and to ensure that Governor Yari fail woefully in his attempts to perpetrate injustice and impose his moles as candidates of the party in the state.
“The facts are clear that, Gov. Yari has failed woefully and has lost the popular support of the people, he can’t win any election in Zamfara today, he therefore choose to hide under the federal might to perpetrate criminality using his 8,500 recruited ‘vigilante’ to rig the elections in his favour and his co-travellers.
“We say no to that. I am going to remain in the APC to ensure that he and his cohorts are effectively retired.
“We have come this far together with all the people of Zamfara state, they have expressed the desire for change, they have given us their maximum support, and they have rejected Yari and all his chosen candidates.
“They have sacrificed their lives and health; some were killed while many others were injured during the botched and make-believe primaries in the state, all courtesy of Gov Yari.
“Having failed in his cruel attempt to impose his candidates through dubious means, he now wants to use the instrumentality of the Courts to legalise his illegalities. We will block him and let him know that Courts aren’t places for dumping of charade.
“Yari organised and conducted illegal, make-believe primaries in absolute violation of a subsisting court order and the directive of our party’s National Working Committee (NWC).
“He thereafter ran to court to give his illegalities a legal backing, forgetting that our courts are not rubber stamp. Courts are homes of equity and if you are going to the courts, you must go with clean hands,” he said.
Marafa said his decision to remain in the APC, despite all pressures, was in appreciation of the tremendous support he enjoys from supporters, adding that the decision is their best interest.
PDP lacks vision to govern Nigeria- Adeola
Nigerians have been urged to reject the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) because it lacks the vision to govern the country, according to Senator Olamilekan Adeola.
The senator, who represents Lagos West Senatorial district, also said the PDP 16 years administration was a waste stressing that the party has nothing new to offer the country.
Speaking at the Nigerian Union of Journalists (NUJ) Secretariat in Ikeja, over the weekend, Adeola said Nigerians should be wary about returning the PDP as it did little or nothing to improve the lots of Nigerians.
The member of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC),however said that his party has put the country on the path of progress in the last few years, and would achieve much more in 2019.
“Nigerians should reject the PDP in 2019; they have nothing to offer.  In fact the three years of the APC administration are better than the years of PDP in power. It was 16 wasted years. PDP is a failure, they should be rejected,” he said.
Pointing out what he called the ineptitude of the PDP, he said it was the way they privatised the power sector. Adeola alleged that the PDP sold power assets to friends and fronts all in the name of privatisation. He said the hangover of the problem was still with the country till date.
The senator said electricity Distribution Companies (DISCOs) foisted on the country had done little to add value to the power sector, and Nigeria would be better with replacements.
Speaking on his achievement, he said his emergence in the primaries of APC to represent the zone again in 2019 reflected the confidence party men and the people had in him.
Adeola said he had organised many empowerment programmes and executed many projects that had touched the lives of residents.
He listed some of the programmes as the distribution of 500 UTME forms to school leavers, granting University scholarships to 56 students, and the facilitation of entrepreneurship training for 600 youths.
Adeola said he had also facilitated tens of employments for graduates and other young people in the Federal civil service.
“In the area of infrastructure development of our district in assisting and complementing the efforts of Lagos State and Federal Government, I donated 10 500 KVA transformers to a community in each of the 10 LGAs that make up Lagos West,” he said.
AdeoIa said he also facilitated the rehabilitation of Baale Olodi Apapa Road(Boundary-Berger-Suya-Kirikiri Bridge) and had sunk 28 boreholes spread across 28 Local Council Development Areas of the district.
 “I also donated several 18-seater Toyota buses to Lagos West stakeholders including Obas, the Council of Baales, CDC, the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), LASU student Union, the league of Imams, among others,” he said.
Adeola said he was one of the active voices in the Senate, having sponsored so many important bills and contributed to the passage of others. The senator promised to achieve much more in the upper chamber in 2019, if re-elected, urging his constituents to give him the needed support. (NAN)