Man bags 25 years for raping minor

A Borno High Court has sentenced a middle age man, Musa Musa, to 25 years in jail for raping a 10-year-old girl, Hadiza Yusuf.
Justice Babagana Wakil, who handed down the sentence, decried the increase in rape cases in state and made case for stiffer punishment for offenders.
He denied the convict an option noting that it would serve as a deterrent to others.
According to him, “I lack words to describe the action of the accused. Rape is now rampant not only in Borno state but the entire country. If drastic action is not pursued, Nigeria would be like India, where the act is committed every five minutes.
“For this grievous crime, you deserve no pity. I hereby sentence you to 21 years in prison without an option of fine to serve as a deterrent to others.
Justice Wakil has handled four rape cases of in the last six months.
Earlier, the prosecutor told the court that the convict, a father of 10, had dragged the 10-year-old into his room at Kantudu Road Maiduguri and defiled her.