Love of Buhari and 2019

The charisma, respect, honor and integrity of President Muhammadu Buhari, especially in the Northern part of Nigeria can be described as supernatural.
The trust and belief the masses have in Mr President prior to 2015 general election cannot be over emphasized.
Therefore, the responsibility of making Nigeria great all lies on Mr President which is mainly the liberation of the common man from his sufferings in the hands of unemployment, revamping of the health sector, educational reform, and better facilities to ensure the welfare of Nigerians all lies on you, Mr President.
The just concluded senatorial by-elections in Katsina and Bauchi states signify that the masses still believe in you and have hope that you can deliver a better Nigeria.
The masses didn’t vote on the basis of competency and credibility but simply because you pleaded and asked them to vote your party, the APC.
Your plea, they accepted and honored notwithstanding the obvious and glaring incompetence and history of poor and bad representation of some of the candidates fielded by your party.
The SAK mentality is the worst that can ever happen to our democracy in Nigeria come 2019.
So many politicians hid under the cloak of SAK and gained power which they’ve abused and not utilised to better the life of the masses.
Under this same SAK cloak they intend to hide and play to the sentiments of the people, ride back and still leave the people in their state of penury.
Many politicians voted into power in 2015 have performed below expectations.
The governors end up embezzling state funds, leaving their states in penury.
Most of the state governors that came under the SAK cloak do not have any new project they initiated.
They’ve been claiming the projects of their predecessors and the legislatures are practical examples on how they turned different chambers to drama shows and showcasing the country in bad light.
To whom much is given much more is expected.
There are a lot of expectations from you, Baba.
Let everybody dance to his own tune because the same set of people disguise under your shadow are those that maltreat the masses and hurt you at the end.
The hope of the common man is to address security challenge that has bedevilled the country.
In the past, hardly a day would go without experiencing horrific agonies of killings and death has become normal occurrence.
Today, most of these have become history.
The interest of Nigeria supersedes all personal interest, opinion, region, religion or ethnicity.
We all must be involved to make Nigeria great for the betterment of ourselves and the future of our generation yet unborn.
On this note, I want to draw the attention of my amiable President to give Nigeria the needed change they desired and fulfill the promises of 2015 and have a rethink on the Project Nigeria come 2019.Thank you…
Realist Haroon Yusuf Abba, Jos, Plateau state.
[email protected]