LG polls: Oyo PDP primaries free, fair, credible – Ningi

The Chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) electoral committee for the local government primaries in Oyo state, Senator Abdul Ningi, has declared the process for primaries election as free, fair and credible.

Senator Ningi who stated this at the Government House, Agodi, Ibadan, when his committee presented its report to Governor ‘Seyi Makinde, said that the electioneering procedure was satisfactory to the committee.

The Committee chairman maintained that the committee was impressed by the conduct of the primaries.

“So far, so good, the electioneering process is satisfactory to us as a committee. This is among the very best local government primaries that I have attended. I am satisfied, especially with the openness of the state government and the party,” he said.

Senator Ningi added, “we discovered there was a free and fair election because we went round the metropolis. We went to the outskirts of the city to witness the local council election and we are satisfied with what we have seen.”

The committee chairman while stressing that Governor Makinde allowed them to do their work without any hindrance, thanked the national headquarters of the PDP for sending them to conduct the primaries in the state and as well urged party members to eschew violence and desperation that can affect the oneness of the party.

“Your emergence as the governor and a leader in the PDP, is a testimony to the services you have rendered to this state. Your Excellency, we are happy that you have accorded us reasonable hospitality. We thank you and the party for giving us access to all the discussions. We thank the national headquarters for sending us to come to Oyo to conduct the primaries. Our party members should eschew violence and desperation.”

Emphasizing that PDP views Oyo State as very strategic in the South-West and that the party wanted to create opportunities for people to make sure there is a sense of belonging, hence the local government election, Senator Ningi noted that his committee ensured that all those that need to know are aware that it was around for the assignment.

“We partook in the consultation between the committee set up by the state and the party and we are satisfied. Where we discovered gaps, we called the attention of the leadership of the party to it and it did the needful. Truth is, we cannot satisfy everybody. There will always be losers and winners.”.

Gov Makinde, in his response declared that the good job done by the Ningi-led committee has set the tone for the deepening of democracy in Oyo state.

The governor then urged PDP leaders to unite all members of the party, especially those not satisfied with the outcome of the primary exercise, stating that there are many positions left to be filled and that everyone would be carried along.

But a chieftain of the party in the state, Alhaji Adebisi Olopoeyan faulted the claim by the party’s electoral committee for local government primaries.

Alhaji Olopoeyan in a statement made available to journalists in Ibadan said contrary to the claim by Senator Abdul Ningi that the primary election was not free, fair and credible.

The PDP Chieftain stressed that the single act of Senator Ningi committee ” is the beginning of the end of united PDP in the state.”

The PDP Chieftain then challenged Senator Ningi and his committee members to move round the 33 local governments areasacross the state and make such claim, and wait for the result of such falsehood claim.