Let’s be our brothers keepers, AbdulRazaq tasks Muslim faithful

Kwarans besieged Eid praying grounds in their millions on Wednesday for the Eid-ul-Adha prayers, with Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq urging them to be their brothers’ keepers and work for the unity and development of the country.

In Ilorin, the capital city, the governor joined several other dignitaries at the central praying ground for the prayers where the Imam Imale Sheikh Abdullahi AbdulHameed led the proceedings.

“We must first glorify Almighty Allah for allowing us to witness another Eid. Those that went to Hajj, we pray to Allah to bring them back safely. Our strength lies in our unity, and we should maximize such unity and peace that we enjoy to bring more development to our state,” the Governor told reporters on the sideline of the Eid, hailed by hundreds of admirers and worshipers alike.

“Our main message is for peace and tranquility. Let’s be our brothers’ keepers. We all have hope in this country to attain greater heights.”

Clad in his full royal regalia and flanked on both sides by his top chiefs and courtiers, the Emir, Alhaji Ibrahim Sulu-Gambari was excited at the unusually large crowd, the colour and the peaceful atmosphere that attended the entire proceedings.

Commending Governor AbdulRazaq for the peaceful atmosphere created in the state, the emir prayed to Allah to bless the city and its people, and to continue to help the government to achieve a lot more for the people.

The monarch cautioned idol worshippers against desecrating Ilorin and its environs, saying the city is an Islamic community inhabited by peaceful people.

Imam Imale urged the faithful to internalize the lessons of the Eid and to be good citizens at all times.

The governor had arrived at the Ilorin Central Eid praying ground at 9:45 a.m. to faithfuls who gathered in thousands to observe the supererogatory prayers for the Eid-ul-Adha festival.

On his entourage were several dignitaries, lawmakers, and top government officials, including House of Representatives members Hon. Ahmed Yinka Aluko, Mukhtar Shagaya, and Prof Raheem Adaramaja, Alhaji Jiddah Abdulrazaq, among several others.