Lawyer drags police to court over sale of barracks 

A legal practitioner, Francis Mgboh, has dragged the Nigeria Police Force, the Nigerian Police Mortgage Bank Plc and the Ministry of Police Affairs, to the Federal High Court, Abuja 

over sale of some landed property belonging to the Nigeria Police to be used for the construction of barracks.

Mr Mgboh in a suit no: FHC/ABJ/CS/379/2023 wants the Nigeria Police, the Nigerian Mortgage Bank and the Ministry of Police Affairs (1st, 2nd and 3rd Respondents) to provide information on how Corpan International Limited, Carvian International Concept Limited, Bamaya International Limited and Italfield Engineers Limited, acquired the parcels/ plots of land belonging to the Nigeria Police Force (1st Respondent) at Mbora, Karmo, Guzape, Apo Dutse and Wumba districts in FCT.

The applicant stated that  this districts meant for the purpose of the development or construction of Police Barracks are now presently being sold to the general public solely by Corpran International Limited in contravention of the approved guidelines for the sale of Federal Government Houses in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT).

The applicant (Francis Mgboh) is seeking the relief of court to declare that the sole acquisition of the plots of lands by Corpran International Limited, Cavian International Concept Limited Bamaya International Limited and Itafield Engineers Limited without compliance and in contravention of the guidelines for the sale of federal government houses/property in the FCT is unlawful, ultra vires and fraudulent.