Kingship election: Hoodlums launch attack as Journalists, others escape death in Ebonyi

Journalists including Ebonyi State Correspondent of The Sun Newspaper, Uchenna Inya, policemen, soldiers, a Magistrate with the state judiciary, Amaechi Nwakpa, and many persons, weekend, escaped death in Nkomoro community, Ezza North local government area of the state.

Blueprint reports that the people of the community have over time protested against the nomination of the former Resident Commissioner of the Independent National Electoral  Commission,(INEC) Jacob Nwakpa for the kingship position of Nkomoro. 

But their actions gained no favour as the state government slated Saturday, June 15, 2024 for the election.

Inya alongside other journalists, went to cover the election/coronation of a new traditional ruler of the community when thugs attacked them and vandalised his corolla vehicle while returning to Abakaliki.

The thugs also attacked policemen, soldiers, a Magistrate Amaechi Nwakpa

 and some government officials including the Secretary of Ezza North local government, Mrs. Samuel Nweke, Chika Igboke among other officials and vandalised their own cars. 

Motorcycles, tricycles and other valuable properties were also destroyed by the thugs.

The thugs were armed with weapons including sticks, rods, stones among others.

Earlier, a letter from the Ministry of Local Government and Chieftaincy Matter was read by Chika Igboke, the Coordinator of Imoha Development Center, it ordered the coronation of Chief Jacob Nwakpa .

A member of the community immediately came out with a paper and said that there is a court order restraining the election and coronation of a traditional ruler of the community.

He pleaded that the exercise should not hold.

After the man’s remarks, Chief Nwakpa was coronated.

After the coronation, youths armed with weapons, blocked the entry and exit points of Okpoku Eze secondary school, venue of the exercise and started vandalisation.

Blueprint gathered that the angry youths loyal to Oscar Nwafor went inside the community and burnt some properties, after vandalizing the vehicles.