KCCN organises alumni reunion for GKS graduates 


The Korean Cultural Centre Nigeria (KCCN) on Friday November 2, 2023 in Abuja held Alumni reunion for Korean Government Scholarship (GKS).

Held in collaboration with the KOICA Alumni/SKIDAN, a total of 10 persons attended among the alumni from as far back as 2012 to as recent as the newly appointed GKS scholarship undergraduate students of 2023, a press statement by the KCCN media said.

According to the statement, the event opened with performances from the renowned Korean B-Boy Dance Group- the MB Crew, the traditional and modern Korean fusion group- Dosi who flew all the way from Korea and previously performed at Korea’s National day  and a beautiful Violin orchestra performance from Nigeria. 

Declaring the event open, the Director of KCCN, Kim Chag-ki, in a round-table discussion, charged the Alumni to keep being Korean Culture Ambassadors. 

He also urged the former students to keep the relationship with Korea open and progressive, as the centre was open to suggestions on how to improve it. 

Then, there were also suggestions by the attendees including Barr. Emefen Idongesit Udom who said, “GKS should organise regional gatherings that involve close/neighboring countries, and the place with the largest number of students determines the meeting place, therefore, this would reduce the number of alumni necessitated to travel to a minimum.  GKS could also consider sponsoring some students.”

For Emmanuel Ajibola, “There should be frequent reunions for the GKS alumni, to enable more attendance especially in months where the alumni are more available to attend.”

On his part, Udeme Etim, said, “GKS Alumni students returning to Nigeria should register their presence with the Korean Cultural Centre Nigeria. It would be beneficial for returning GKS Alumni students to have a platform to keep a bond or link to Korea alive to further their relationship with Korea in Nigeria. E.g. Being officially introduced and connected by KCCN to South Korean organizations or companies in Nigeria.”

Also speaking, Remi Akinyemi, said, “GKS Alumni should be invited to the Korea National Day held in November.”