Kano government empowers 465 street hawkers  

To improve small scales trading, Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf of Kano state Wednesday empowered 465 street hawkers with N50,000 capital each.

They traders were drawn from nine clusters within Kano metropolis.

This was made known in a statement made available to newsmen by the governor’s spokesperson, Sanusi Bature Dawakin Tofa, at an event that was held at Coronation Hall, Government House.

The groups of the beneficiaries are known to specialise in hawking car decorations, accessories, kitchen utensils among others.

 They could be seen hovering around junctions determining to earn decent living and conveniently avoiding reckless path of crimes, violence or drug addiction.

Delivering his address, Governor Yusuf said the empowerment was borne out of the priority his administration accords to vulnerable groups especially youth and women by improving their various trades and skills through occasional intervention for life sustenance.

Alhaji Yusuf elucidated that recently, Kano state government empowered 5,200 women with N50,000 naira each which is equivalent to N26 million, and the initiative had started yielding positive results as the socio-economic status of the beneficiaries has increased.

Governor Yusuf said the beneficiaries are, “patriots who through thick and thin faced the challenges of poverty and deprivation by treading the path of honour, dignity and respect. Notwithstanding the little turnover they make every day from the undertakings, they saved the little they earn over years and succeed in supporting their parents, relatives, establish families and even pursue educational dreams,” the governor said.