Kaduna kicks-off community policing as 272 Police Constabulary pass out

Community policing got a boost in Kaduna state on Tuesday after 272 Police Constabulary passed out from training school for deployment to the various local governments for their duty.  

Speaking while reviewing of the passing out parade of the Constabulary, Governor Nasir el-Rufai, said community policing has come to stay in the state.

El-Rufai, who was represented by the Commissioner for Internal Security and Home Affairs, Mr Samuel Aruwan, charged the community police to enhance internal security in the state.
He said there would be a second phase of the training and passing out of the Constabulary in order to enhance security monitoring in the state. 

“You are trained to be our eyes in security issues in the state, so to whom much is given, much is expected. You are expected to help security agencies to ensure peace in the state because without peace there can never be development.
“You are expected to be good ambassadors of your community, be civil and upright n your conducts. You are also expected to play your role to protect lives and property in the state. Don’t put us to shame, you have to justify the confidence reposed in you. 

“We will appeal to local government chairmen to support you to succeed because community policing has come to stay. And the state government too will continue to support you. Together we will surmount the security challenges, it is a critical issue that we don’t need to play with it to ensure peaceful coexistence,” he said.

The state Commissioner of Police, Umar Muri, said the passing out parade was part of activities for the formal handing over of the special Constabulary to the state government. 
He said the special police will be sent to various local government areas in the state where respective Divisional Police Officer would give them further instructions as to the line of their duty.

The Police boss warned them to carry out their duties with the fear of God, saying, “you should have the fear of God in your heart because you are representing a community. If you are a Muslim, be a good Muslim, and if you are a Christian, be a good Christian.”