Kaduna: Jama’a monarch commends Uba Sani on quality leadership

The Emir of Jema’a, Alhaji Muhammadu Isa Muhammadu, has commended the governor of Kaduna state, His Excellency, Senator Uba Sani for his provision of quality leadership to the people of the state especially in fostering peaceful co-existence and his Urban and Rural Transformation Agenda.

Alhaji Muhammadu gave the commendation in his palace in Kafanchan, Jema’a local government area of Kaduna state in his Sallah message to the people.

He stated that in just one year of his administration, Governor Sani has ensured peaceful co-existence among the people, fighting banditry, Urban and Rural Transformation in all nooks and crannies of the state that have direct bearing to the lives of the people.

The royal father observed that the total renovation of the Patrick Yakowa Memorial Hospital, the road projects, constructions of new buildings, schools and the meaningful projects executed by the municipal authority are all evidence of good governance by the Governor.

It was against this backdrop that he appealed to the governor to assist in the completion of the road network project inside the town which has stopped.

The emir congratulated all Muslims in his emirate on the Sallah occasions, and urged them to continue to live peacefully in mutual respect and understanding among themselves and their neighbours irrespective of differences.

Similarly, the executive chairman of Jema’a local government area of Kaduna state, Comrade Yunana Markus Barde, described this year’s Durbar Festival (Hawan Daushe) of Eid-El-Kabir as the true illustration of the peaceful coexisting activity in Kafanchan, as Christians joined Muslims in their numbers and celebrated Eid-el-Kabir with Dr. Muhammadu OFR, the 11th emir of Jama’a Emirate.

He stated that residents in Kafanchan witnessed the emir’s tour of the streets with a great entourage to Sir Patrick Ibrahim Yakowa Hospital, Kafanchan, to commemorate the event, by identifying with the sick admitted in the hospital.

Comrade Barde added that the event was historic, as another great Eid-el-Kabir celebration in Kafanchan in the 25th year of the reign of His Royal Highness, the 11th emir of Jama’a.

He commended the Kaduna state governor, Senator Sani, for his aid to Sir Patrick Ibrahim Yakowa Hospital Kafanchan by providing stand-by solar energy that supplied light, and the bigger oxygen plant to assist the patients.