Julius Berger donates food, others to orphanages to mark Humanitarian Day

Julius Berger Nigeria Plc, as part of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and to mark this year’s World Humanitarian Day has donated food stuff and other items to Adonai Children’s Home; Jam’iyyar Matan Arewa Orphanage and Premier School; Nasarawa Children’s Home; Green Pastures Home; all on its Abuja-Kaduna-Zaria-Kano Road Project Corridor.

The construction company also donated food stuff and other items to Bab-Es-Salam Home; Love Orphanage Home; Real Woman Foundation and Home in Lagos state.

World Humanitarian Day serves as a platform to raise awareness about the challenges faced by humanitarian workers and the importance of international solidarity in addressing global social crises, while also emphasizing the need to protect civilians and provide aid in conflict zones and disaster-stricken areas.

A press statement by the Julius Berge Media Unit noted that at Adonai Children’s Home, the Coordinator of the Orphanage, El Jessu Saint Mathias, was excitement at the donations to the Home, stating, “We are very grateful to Julius Berger for this expression of love extended to us.

“We are all aware of the current situation of the economy and everybody knows how food has become very expensive, but God has been faithfully using people and organisations like Julius Berger to bless us.”

Similarly, at the Jam’iyyar Matan Arewa Orphanage and Premier School, Kaduna state, the President of the Orphanage, Hajiya Rabi Musa Saulawa, who traced the history of Jam’iyyar Matan Arewa to Nigeria’s First Republic, said it was founded in 1963.

Hajiya Rabi said that since its founding till date, over 3,000 orphans have successfully passed through the Orphanage and its schools.

She further noted that it was not the first time Julius Berger was making such donations to the outfit.

 Hajiya Rabi disclosed that, “This beautiful edifice you see standing tall here was made possible by Julius Berger’s corporate social responsibility action.”

According to the president, “…the renovation works were singlehandedly undertaken by Julius Berger as part of the company’s CSR. They renovated the whole complex and gave our school a befitting new structure.”  

Principal of the school, Helen Peter Arlek, who was present during the donations also lauded Julius Berger for all its efforts and commitments towards the wellbeing of the children.

In the same vein, at the Nassarawa Children’s Home, Medical Avenue in Kano state, the Principal of the Orphanage, Aisha Sanu Kurawa, also expressed profound gratitude to Julius Berger for the timely donations.

“Julius Berger has touched our hearts again with these donations. This is coming at a point when we really need food items to help feed our kids. Our children are so grateful, you can tell from the happiness on their faces,” she stated.

According to the statement, at the Green Pastures Home, Sabon Gari, Kano state, it was excitement galore for the children.

This is as the President/Founder of the Orphanage, Chaplain Comfort Williams, who received the donations danced and sang praises to Julius Berger for visiting the Orphanage for the first time.

“…we recognise and commend Julius Berger for all the good works they do. We hear and read the news, and we see all the impact the company makes in our schools and communities. We are happy to have a company like Julius Berger in our society.” 

She said the Home, which was founded on March 15, 2001, has 50 children in the Orphanage and over 30,000 in the community they reach out to with regard to education and health issues.

On his part, the Head of the Julius Berger Abuja-Kano Road CSR Team, Engr. Yusuf Ibrahim, said that showing care and being humane to societal needs has always been the corporate culture of the company.

Meanwhile, in Lagos, it was also prayers and gratitude galore for the continued success and progress of the company it donated food items to orphanages.

At the Bab-Es-Salam Home located inside GRA, Ikeja, Lagos, Mr. Michael Ashofor of the Julius Berger’s Corporate Communications Department opened the event by stating that the essence was to identify with the plight of the underprivileged.

The head of the Home, Hassan Tahir, thanked Julius Berger for remembering the Home and declared the orphans’ endless prayers for the company.

At the Love Orphange Home, Ashofor lauded them for doing a great job by catering for the needy and deprived of the society.

He added that Julius Berger supports such endeavours as part of the company’s social commitment.

Receiving the items after showing members of Julius Berger Team around the Orphanage, the Chief Operating Officer of Real Woman Foundation and Home, Temitope Ogunleye said, “Just as we shelter children and women with love and hope, so has Julius Berger comforted us with more love and hope.”