Jos Polo tournament: Malcomines crowned 2020 champions

The 2020 Jos International Polo tournament, ended with Governor’s Cup defending champions, Malcomines Polo team of Jos, retaining their title after defeating Keffi Ponies, in a keenly contested match.

At the commencement of the final match, Keffi Ponies were awarded half goal, for their handicap, however, the combined superb skilful play by Hamisu Buba (+4), and Argentine player Alejo Aramburu (+6),  led by team captain Murtala Ahmadu Laushi (+1), and Murtala Aliyu (+3), the Malcomines outplayed, Keffi Ponies’s, Ahmad Wadada (+1), Aliyu Tijani (+2), Abdulmalik Badamasi (+3) and Argentine player Santiago Marambio (+6), all of high goals.

The performances of the two teams, thrilled spectators, with the final five chukkas, favouring defending champions, Malcomines 6 to Keffi Ponies 4 and half goals.

Malcomines proprietor, and also team captain, Murtala Ahmadu Laushi, expressed delight that, his team has retained its trophy, and become the overall winner of the entire week-long even.

He said, that the Jos Polo has gooten elevation to International level, it is certain that the game has brighter future, towards improving cohesion, unity and peace amongst the people.

Laushi was of the views that; “the 2021 tournament would have more teams participating in it.”

He said they will continue to invest in the game, recruits and encourage young talents to join the game.

Plateau state Governor, Simon Lalong, assured that Government will continue to support the game of Polo, due to its potentials in promoting tourism and economic prosperity.

“As patron of the Jos polo club, I re-assure you that we will develop the facilities for the game of polo in Plateau State and also encourage grass-roots participation particularly among the younger generation,” he said.

Lalong thanked the Nigerian Polo Federation (NPF), the leadership of the Jos Polo Club, as well as NASCO Group of Companies for consistently hosting and sponsorship of the tournament.

He expressed delight at the growth of the game, stressing that; “As we manage to overcome COVID-19, we shall work hard to ensure more international participation during the next edition of the tournament.”

“Considering the realities of COVID-19 and the impact of the Economic Recession, my administration is more than ever determined to maximize all the advantages that sports provide for business opportunities,” he added.

He said drawing from the experiences of the 2020 tournament, they should all go back and prepare to stage a more robust event at the end of the year. We in the Jos Polo Club will ensure that we prepare vigorously to contend and emerge victorious.

“As we manage to overcome COVID-19, we shall work hard to ensure more international participation during the next edition of the tournament,” Lalong enthused.

He congratulated Malcomines, Keffi Ponies, NASCO, and the winners of various prize categories of the tournament.

“For those who are not taking home prizes, you are also winners as this tournament would not have been successful without your participation,” he said.