Jos flood: Mutfwang condoles with victims, charges citizens on environment


Plateau state governor, Caleb Mutfwang, has conveyed his heartfelt sympathy to the victims of recent flood disaster that wreaked havoc on Angwan Rogo, Naraguta, Apata and other communities in Jos North local government area of the state.

Governor Mutfwang, in a message of sympathy, offered his condolences to the families who lost their loved ones and prayed for quick recovery of those who sustained injuries.

This was contained in a signed statement issued by his, spokesman Gyang Bere, Wednesday in Jos. 

He said: “Communities should recognise environmental hazards and collaborate with the government to address them collectively.”

Governor Mutfwang emphasised the importance of responsible construction practices, cautioning against building houses in flood-prone areas and the improper disposal of waste in drainages, which obstructs the natural flow of water.

He advised all residents in the state to take the initiative to maintain cleanliness in their communities, particularly in areas that can obstruct water flow.

Governor Mutfwang extended his sympathies to the immediate families of the deceased and the communities in Jos North local government area, assuring them of the government’s commitment to improving the living conditions of the people.

He urged the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) and the State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA) to promptly assess the needs of the affected communities and provide relief materials to the affected families.