Jonathan former chief of protocol declares for Adamawa guber

The former President Goodluck Jonathan’s Chief of Protocol, Ambassador Jameel Zubairu Abubakar, has formerly declared his intention to vie for the gubernatorial seat of Adamawa state in 2019 under the platform of the PDP.
Amb.jameel made his intention known yesterday when he visit the party excos at the state Secretariat in Yola to formally informed them of his decision to contest for the party gubernatorial ticket in the state.
Speaking at the event, he explained that his decision was borne out of his genuine concern to rescue the people of Adamawa state and contributes his quota to the development of the state.
He frowned at the leadership failure and continuous backwardness of the state despite the abundant human and material resources which the state is blessed with and promised to change the narrative of the state for good if elected.
Ambassador Jameel promised to give priority to agriculture, education, health, employment opportunity and civil service reforms among other vital sectors, stressing that the bedrock of his aspiration is hinged on three pillars of fairness, justice and inclusiveness.
The guber aspirant further appealled to the party excos to consider conceding the party gubernatorial ticket of the party to the central zone of the state in 2019 stating that it is the only zone that is yet to occupy the seat since the restoration of democracy in 1999.
In his response, the state PDP chairman, Barrister.A.T Shehu thanks the aspirant and his team for the visit and assured all aspirants under the platform of the party of level playing field, free and fair election.
He appealed to all the aspirants to consider at the possibility of discussing with themselves as well as see the possibility of compromise among themselves.
Even as he condemned in strongest term Tuesday siege on the national assembly by the APC led administration noting that, judiciary and legislative arms are witnessing their worst moment under this government.