Jigawa CP decorates 387 officers

The Commissioner of Police, Jigawa state command, Mr Theophilus Kayode, has decorated 387 police officers who enjoyed promotion from the Inspector General of Police (IGP), Muhammed D. Abubakar, recently.

Addressing journalists during the decoration ceremony at the police headquarters in Dutse, Kayode explained why the officers had to be decorated with their new ranks.
He said: “These are men who always worked hard to keep the peace in the state, to enable people to be sleeping in the night and even snoring. Jigawa is surrounded with trouble states of Yobe and Borno yet we are peaceful.”

He added: “Promotion is a reward of hard work and dedication, which means higher responsibilities as well as leadership roles. It can also service as a morale booster which makes officers to work harder and to the best their abilities.”

According to him, in Jigawa state command one SP was promoted to CSPs, six DSPs to SPS, four ASPs to DSPs, 42 Insp to ASPs, 12 Insp to senior Insp, 18 Sgts to the rank of Insp and 20 CPLs to Sgts, as well as 284 PCs to CPLs, respectively.
“By virtue of the large number of officers promoted, one can confidently infer that Jigawa state police command is fully equipped with responsible and dedicated police officers who are equal to the task of policing the state.”